Other than that a pretty normal week. Today Elder Robertson and I just decided to hike the mountain that is near us. We got to the top and found a legit village with mud huts and stuff. Somebody up there just took us around to see all of the cool things. I love that about the Ghanaian people. If you want to make them happy let them serve you. They guy just dropped everything and took us all over and then asked for our phone number afterwards. He was so happy to see us. It was a pretty cool adventure.
Note - The past couple of weeks I have been reading a book about modern day
Ghanain tribal king so a lot of my questions came from the reading. -Brigham's Mom
- Is there a king of Okoyo? A Chief
- Are the people really spiritualistic about their ancestors and believe that the ancestor spirits come and direct their lives, or tell them what king to choose? Yep
- Do they have elaborate, expensive funerals that last for days that they can't really afford? Hahahahah. I have had to pull out Matthew 8:22 a couple times
- Do they believe in witches and cursings? Yep. Creates a big problem with the Book of Mormon.
- Do they believe in pouring libations (liquor) daily on their doorsteps to appease their ancestors? Sometimes
- What do Ghanaians think about the temple? It is pretty normal to them. Never had a problem explaining the temple. Baptisms for the dead is the main reason why Bro. Gyasi got baptized.
- Can you buy Kente cloth and is it really expensive? Remember Isaac? He does kente. It is like 20 cedis for a piece the size of a scarf and 200 for like blanket size. It is really cool though. I want to take a picture of him doing it.
- Tell me more about Gabriel. Gabriel is the sweetest boy. Really quiet and soft spoken. Not easily influenced by the world. Content with himself.
- Does he live with this family and why is he taking care of their little girls? He is house help for his Aunt's family. His aunt is always at work. His biological mother and the girls mother are sisters.
- Tell me a miracle that happened this week and something you did to serve someone. Isaac was a miracle. We pushed a car all the way up this huge hill. We are planning on reorganizing the Oyoko Library though.
Anyways, love you all.
Elder Shelton