Not much happened this week. Just preparing for transfers. We moved some people into new apartments. Prepared all the stuff for the trainers and had a small training with them. We had the farewell devotional today for the missionaries going home. The new ones will come tomorrow. Best part of it all was that I could be a part of the departure dinner.
One of the best things about the office is that you get to know everyone. You hear such incredible stories of faith. So I think this week I will just send some pictures of people and tell their stories a bit.
Sister Effiom & Sister Moyo
This is Sister Effiom and Sister Moyo. Sister Effiom is from Nigeria. Sister Moyo is from Zimbabwe. Oh, and that is Elder Harris from Caldwell ID. We drove them back from the Trainers training. The started to share their testimonies with us. Sister Moyo grew up in the Church, she didn't really pay much attention to religion until she was 15. She said for the first time in her life she failed a semester at school. She was so shocked but the thought that came into her mind was, "You aren't reading the Book of Mormon, read the Book of Mormon." She said from that time onward she has never stopped reading. She also never failed a class again.
Sister Effiom also grew up in the church. She said her testimony came from two places. The Book of Mormon and the temple. She didn't read the Book of Mormon growing up because people would make fun and say the book was satanic. There came a point when she decided to find out for herself if it was satanic or from God. She read, and knew it was from God.
Elder Udonsa
This is Elder Udonsa. I don't know much about him. Nigerian, really humble guy. Instead of always saying, "I'm going home", he would always say, "I'm still here." I loved it.
Elder Avana
This is Elder Avana from Benin. French speaker. He is such a humble hard working guy. He was serving in the area I was in in Tema. (I went to Tema this week by the way and saw Bishop Mensah and he gave me a huge hug!) Elder Avana came and played tennis with Elder Harris and I today. He is going to be Elder Buys's new Zone Leader companion in Koforidua. He is the only missionary in this mission from Benin. I didn't even know him before this past weekend. He has trained 4 different people. He is just a stud but you would never know it because he is more quiet when plenty of people are around. I enjoyed talking with him this weekend.
Elder Fall
This is Elder Fall. He is the only missionary from Burkina Faso and I think he is the only member there when he goes back. He joined the church 3 years ago and hasn't seen his family since he has joined. He is a native French speaker but speaks English incredibly well. He is just the nicest coolest guy you will ever meet. He bore his testimony today and his conversion story really touched me. He first went to the Church in Benin and started to have the lessons. He didn't feel right there for some reason. As he was walking back from church one day he asked God that if he should be here then show me a senior couple. The senior couple walked by just a minute later. His faith still wasn't perfect, but as he continued to come he gained his testimony. He will go home to no family, no school, no work, and no established Church. He is in a sticky situation but is the most humble Christ-like guy.
Sister Onwujiougu
This picture is of dropping off the sisters at the airport. The one on the right is named Sister Onwujiougu from Nigeria. She is 30 years old but still had the faith to come out this even though she is an older missionary. I have served around her a lot and her faith to overcome her trials is awesome. She has lost her father and mother and brother. But still is willing to serve.
Elder Falk & Elder Shelton Ghana, Accra Temple |